The feasibility study says a mixed-use development on the Tafelberg site is the best option. This means that the property can be used for different purposes at the same time.
The study says that the property be used to built mostly social housing flats, together with some shops, a community facility, and a new public park.The beautiful old school building and the trees will stay.
The study says that the affordable housing should be Social Housing. Social housing is mostly flats that you can rent if you earn between R1500 - R7500 per month.
Social Housing is an important choice because the main reason that government pays for social housing is to help redressing apartheid planning that kept people separated according to race.
This means that working class people who have been living in the areas for decades but are struggling to pay rent can apply. Many other families who were forced to stay in poorer neighbourhoods far from job opportunities can now also apply and find a new home back in the city.
The study says that construction could only start in 2019. It would take three years to build and would be completed in 2021.